Sunday, August 30, 2009

Canadian fianls double lift results

The turn back was harder than expected and the sheep were hard to shed. which keep the scores relatively low.

In the end Dennis Gelling and Jan prevailed. Jan did a beautiful swallow tail turn back. Finished up with a really nice shed but failed to pen.

1. Dennis Gellings and Jan 126
2. Peter Gonnet and Jill 108
3. Amanda Milliken and Clive 104
4. Beverley Lambert and Mirk 103
5. Beverly Lambert and Hemp 99
6. George Stambulic and Kate 93
7. Ian Zoerb and Gyp 92
8. Scott Glen and Drift 87
9. Nancy Stephns and Ike 76
10. Norm Sommer and Jock 74
11. Vickie Close and 57
Grant Musgrove and Sam RT
Judy Finseth and Maude DQ
Vicki Kidd and Merle DQ

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Double Lift Finialist

Any the winners are

Beverly Lambert &Mirk

Amanda Milliken & Clive

Peter Gonnet & Jill

Judy Finseth & Maude

Scott Glen & Drift

George Stambulic & Kate

Norm Sommer & Jock

Beverly Lambert & Hemp

Vicki Kidd & Merle

Grant Musgrove & Sam

Ian Zoerb & Gyp

Vicki Close & Gale

Nancy Stephens & Ike

Finishing up Day 2

It was a very long day yesterday. Sorry for not getting the results up last night. I have posted the full Open results and Nursery results on the Alberta Stockdog website here

Last night we ran the first 16 dogs of Open round 2. today we will finish off round two hopefully at a descent time. I started carrying my camera with me yesterday so I could get more pics.

Amanda at the post

meeting of the minds

Friday, August 28, 2009

Day 2 part two

Time to take a little break and deiced to update the open scores so far. We are almost to the end of the first run of Open. The sheep are proving difficult to pen. The course is a pen shed. So if you don't pen you leave 20 points on the field.

Top ten so far
1. Beverly Lambert Hemp 90
2. Scott Glen Drift 83
3. Amanda Milliken Clive 80
4/5 two way tie not broken
Ian Zoerb Gyp 77
Beverly Lambert Mirk 77
6. Nancy Stephens Ike 76
7. Peter Gonnet Jill 75
8. Norm Sommer Jock 72
9. Stormy Winters Roy 71
10/11 Two way tie not broken
Dennis Gellings Jan 70
Martha McHardy Ceri 70

Not Official because I am tired and hungry

Veiw from Set out

Canadian Finals Day two

Good Morning Folks.

This morning is clear and cool. Today promises to be a warm one. Predicting in the 30 C range. First up this morning is Peter Gonnet and Taff fresh of his Western Canadian Nursery Championship.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Canadian Finals day one

What a busy day. Day one is hard because you need to work out the kinks.
So unlike the busy facebook people I was running around in mass Kaos.
It is late so I am just going to post results.

Nursery Round One
1. Bev Lambert and Esther 75
2. Scott Glen and Don 72
3. Peter Gonnet and Taff 71
4. three way tie
Ian Zoerb and Lexi 69
Amanda Milliken and Monty 69
Amanda Milliken and Roz 69
7. Two way tie
Kate Broadbent and Salt 63
Gayle Cochlan and Lea 63
9. Ken Price and Bud 60
10. Thad Buckler and Nic 59

Nursery Round 2
1. Kate Broadbent and Salt 72
2 Two way tie
Scott Glen and Don 66
Lee Lumb and Rex 66
4. two way tie
Amanda Milliken and Roz 65
Penny Ohanjanian and Moss 65
6.Two way tie
Peter Gonnet and Taff 63
Thad Buckler and Nic 63
8. Bev Lambert and Esther 62
9. Ian Zoerb and Sam 57
10. Ian Zoerb and Lexie

Canadian Nursery Champion
Scott Glen and Open

Western Canadian Nursery Finals
1. Peter Gonnet and Taff 70
2. Thad Buckler and Nick 69
3. Scott Glen and Don 69
4. Lee Lumb and Rex 61
5. Ian Zoerb and Lexi DQ

We ran the first 20 Open dogs today. The day was long already and we just finished up before the sun went down.
Top three Open dogs after 20
1. Ian Zoerb and Gyp 77
Beverly Lambert and Mirk 77
2. Nancy Stephens and Ike 76

Tomorrow we run the rest of round one of Open and the start of round two.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Calm before the storm

Tomorrow starts the Canadian Border Collie Finals. Also running in conjunction is the Western Canadian Championships. I will be updating the blog with scores daily.

The Field is set

The sheep have been happily grazing here for a couple of days now

The judge has his seat all ready

The running order can be found on the ASDA website. Tomorrow we are running both rounds on the Nursery followed by the nursery finals. Then we are going to try and fit in 25-30 Open dogs.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

EID Classic

I am super busy organizing the Canadian Finals which are this weekend. That is my excuse for the late weekend report.
The EID Classic is a great trial. The field is vast with rolling hills, your dog could run out for miles if they weren't looking for their sheep. This year we had Beverly Lambert join the cast of super talented Alberta handlers.

Bev and Hemp at the pen

Ian and Joann do a great job keeping this trial moving along smoothly. The trial wraps up on Sunday with a double lift. Top 12 dogs go to the double lift.

Double Lift Results (13 dogs):

1. Bev Lambert and Hemp
2. Scott Glen and Maid
3. Ian Zoerb and Peg
4. Scott Glen and Drift
5. George Stambulic and Kate
6. Bev Lambert and Mirk
7. Jennifer Glen and Hemp
8. Stormy Winters and Roy
9. Jennifer L' Arrivee and Spot
Corey Perry and Jill RT
Scott Glen and Lucy RT
Lee Lumb and Nan DQ
Peter Gonnet and Jill DQ

Best Outwork: Bev Lambert and Hemp
Best Drive: Bev Lambert and Hemp
Best Shed: Scott Glen and Maid
Best Pen: Ian Zoerb and Peg

I have decided to give Isla a rest for a while before the National finals. Instead Rob and I made our trial debut. We are not totally in sync yet but we are pretty close. I ran Rob Pro Novice. The first day he ran out well, had a good fetch and a nice drive but we missed the first set of drive panels. In the end we ended up 9th out of 25 dogs. The second day we hit all our panels but had some trouble at the pen finished up 10th.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Canadian Finals sheep

Yesterday we went out to sort through the sheep for the Canadian Border Collie Finals. I am one of the organizers of this event so I was one of the chosen few who got to spent the day picking out the sick and the trouble makers. No matter how good of a job we did someone is still going to complain about the sheep. It is an age old tradition just like barrel racers and cutters complain about the ground, dog trialers complain about the sheep. Oh, I almost forgot we also complain about the judging as well.

We picked out 460 of Mountain View colonies finest just in time for the rain to come.
Here is a link for info on the trial

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Madden Trial

I only ran at the Madden trial one day because Sunday is Justice's birthday. The field was a nice slopping down hill. However the grass was super tall and the dogs had a hard time finding their sheep. I set out with for the last half of the Open and realized how tall the grass was. It was up too my waist in spots and hard to walk through.
Isla and I are not running very well right now. So instead of talking about my run I will share a couple of pics.

This trial even had Paparazzi

And tons of fresh cow shit

The kids were tied to a fence. Made it very handy for taking pictures.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Holy six month terrors

The pups are six months old this week. Boy are they being a pain in the butt. Barking, Fighting with each other, and wrecking everything in sight. A friend of mine told me not to sell them when they got to be to much work. Just hold out until they start to work or else you may regret it. I am trying hard to keep them on their own as much as I can. It is hard when we are on the road. Now that Craig can jump out of the x-pen he will be on a chain like the rest of the dogs.

Don't let this face fool you. She is independent and bitchy like her mom. Also has the same pig squeal as her mom.

Craig is probably the best behaved of the two. Except he has an unhealthy obsession with me. Not sure how I turn my pups in to stalkers. He barks when in the kennel so he is living in a kennel next to the house where I can give him shit if he barks.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Shaunavon Sheepdog Classic

What can I say. Lots of fun, great people, tough sheep. Jamie did a great job on her first trial. To me the field felt huge but I think it was because it was so flat and there was nothing around for miles. A descent amount of entries considering this was the inaugural run for this trial. Isla did not run so well. She doesn't like tough sheep. She really over thinks it and wants to be right and not lose her sheep. These range ewes first wouldn't move and then would bolt in four different Directions. Not her cup of tea.

On this first day she gripped off on the fetch both in the Open and the Pro Novice. She has developed a really outrun problem. I had to whistle her around many times. Very odd as her outrun has always been her best and most favorite thing. I am not happy as the finals is quickly approaching.

Day two was a little better in Pro Novice placed 4th. In Open I retired after The battle around the course became too much.

Rob came along just to hang out. He was the happiest just hanging out on the sidelines watching.

The puppies made some new friends. The Shaunavon mascot came to say "hi". In case you are trying to guess it is a heart.

Pat and Stormy have a new bundle of joy in the form of a token little dog. Introuducing "Miss Molly Winters".

Now for some beauty rest till the next trial. Some of us need more beauty rest than others.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Trying to find balance

Now that I have added the sixth dog to the kennel I am trying to find balance in the pack. Craig lives in a kennel by the house because he barks all the time when he is with the other dogs. I just can't bring myself to put a "device" on him at only six months old. Bracken used to be sweet as pie now screams like her mother when you leave her behind. Rob just thinks he should chase everyone. Risk chases Rob and Jet. Risk is also feeling neglected and has taken to barking while looking at the house. Jet is getting too old to be chased but still the dogs torture her. Bracken tortures Craig. The stable one in the pack is Isla. She listens all the time and never chases or get in trouble. If only they could all be like Isla. I tried my new solution tonight. Two different walks. First shift is Jet, Risk, Bracken. Second shift is Rob, Isla and Craig. Craig just really wants to be with me all the time. Isla is doing her own thing so nobody is paying attention to Rob and he relaxes. The first shift gets along better too. Risk is maturing slowly and wants to be with me more than not. Of course we are off to a trial this weekend and the routine will be off.

We have had torrential rain for the last couple of days. Below are some pics I took. I really would like to get a wide angle lens to capture the vastness of the sky.