Saturday, August 9, 2008

From Stockdog to Showdog

Last week Risk and I ventured into the city to go and visit some friends at the Alberta Kennel Club summer dog show. I don't get to visit my other dog friends very often. Working and trialing my dogs takes up alot of my time. Risk was feeling inadequate to go to a dog show so in preparation we decided to pretty him up. First was a bath so he did not smell of sheep or like a dog that sleeps outside. I could not take a picture of his bath because I was to busy holding him down in the bath tub. Second up was a fancy collar. This one was pretty and it has sheep on it too.Even though Risk is not a border collie he thinks of him self as a cross between a border collie and a Jack Russel. Hence all the barking that comes from his dog run. So when Risk saw all these different breeds he was a little taken back and was very quite and attentive for the day. He was especially freaked out at the little pug that snorted at him.

During lunch Risk was forced to hang with some of his new "friends" in an x-pen.

Doesn't he look happy.

That's better
At the end of the day Risk decided he would much rather stay on the farm then be a beauty queen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poor guy- put in an expen with beagles of all things :o)

amanda @