Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ice learns how to ride in the Ranger

When I go out to the far fields to work dogs I take the Ranger. So today was ice's turn to learn how it is done. Luckily Isla is more then happy to show him how it is done.
No Problem here

Kipp bringing the girls home after our work

Just wanted to welcome my good friend Lynda to my favorite blogs. I have known Lynda for a long time and look forward to reading her blog. Below is a pic of Risk with Lynda's new addition Luke.


Sarah said...

Its such a small world! I was just talking with Lynda this weekend at our agility trial- and she mentioned you ands your Kelpie, and I had said I met you at Scott and Jenny's (you drove us in the ranger :P )

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hey, I love your blog, the pictures are great! I believe I found you because I googled blogs about Border Collies. Our "Chance" is almost four years old, his job is being my husbands companion and he herds a ball and chases water or snow everyday! We live in the boonies in Minnesota so he has a fair amount of yard to romp around in. Next spring I may get him some Ducks! I love reading about your dogs:)