Lately Isla has been losing her mind. I am chalking it up to her coming in to season soon. Lord knows once I month I become just a little crazy too. She just is doing weird stuff on sheep. Last week I sent her out to bring in my flock from the big field and she proceeded to go out, drive them into a corner, and circle them five or six times. All the while I am whistling my fool head off to no avail. So needless to say I was not feeling very confident going into this years Alberta Stockdog Arena finals. In all truth Isla has never finished an arena trial. She usually grips off in dramatic style like last weekend.
The ASDA finals consists of two go rounds and then top three to the finals. This was my final time running in the ranch class. The first to go rounds consisted of over flaking not stopping and running so wide her hair was being rubbed off on the walls of the arena. All the while I am trying to get her to stop and listen for one second. I hated it made us look so bad. Not really sure how it happened but we did pen our sheep both times and made it to the finals.
I think by the time we ran in the finals she was totally exhausted from running crazily around the arena the first two runs. She decided to listen better and we pulled it off and won. I was pretty amazed that she actually finished each time with out gripping. Good girl.
Now if we could only do that at Calgary for the big money next year.
Then yesterday I went out to set some sheep for a lesson and she was silly Isla all over again.
A note for my friend Mr. M:
Last night we went out for supper and Dion Phaneuf sat at the table beside us. Justice was very excited and could hardly eat. For those of you that don't know who Dion is. He is the star defencemen for the Calgary Flames hockey team. All little on the cute side too.
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