Saturday, November 20, 2010

Moving day

We officially got possession of the new house on Thursday. 

As you can see it was a day not fit for man or beast. The temperature was in the mid -20C with another -10 degree wind chill. However anything was better than living in a holiday trailer with a negative R value for insulation. I must say the satilite insulation guy who came to hook up our cable had a bad attitude about the weather too. Wrong day to mess with me Bell princess. Needless to say we came to an agreement. By the end of the day we had TV and our beds were on the floor college style living until the weather smartens up.


Emma Rose said...

Congrats! It's been a long time coming and it must be a great feeling to finally get to move in. (Even if the weather stinks!)

livin life said...

YEA!!!!! And reliving your college days ain't so bad either if you are warm and have tv. Love it...just in time for Christmas!

gvmama said...

Congratulations. I'm trying to muster up the guts to trailer the sheep to the desert to work the dogs. It's in the 30's with the wind blowing. After looking at your pictures, I feel like a WIMP. :0)