Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Winter Jobs

Frankly I think winter is more work than summer. Plus you are wearing three extra layers of clothes to do all the chores. The sheep need feeding every other day. The rams have been out with the girls and are now back in the frat boy pen. This year we bred 130 ewes to start May 1st ish. Also had a ram escape while I was in Oregon and will be lambing out 20 ewes in mid February. 

 Today the guardian dogs were treated to a moose leg each. We have been having issues with stray dogs coming in and mauling our sheep in a certain pasture so in an effort to keep our dogs safe we have attached what we call neck ties to their collars so they will stay in the pen we put them in. 
As you can see Glitzy is growing like a weed. 
She is working out nicely so far. She even put the run on Kyle one night when he was checking sheep and he surprised her.


Kathy said...

Those ties on their collars look interesting. So they help to keep them in their fenced area?? How do you make them?


carol said...


The collars look very effective. How do they attach and what are they made of? I could use something for my 2 year old maremma : )

Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

nice photo collection and natural photos also

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