Monday, August 10, 2009

Shaunavon Sheepdog Classic

What can I say. Lots of fun, great people, tough sheep. Jamie did a great job on her first trial. To me the field felt huge but I think it was because it was so flat and there was nothing around for miles. A descent amount of entries considering this was the inaugural run for this trial. Isla did not run so well. She doesn't like tough sheep. She really over thinks it and wants to be right and not lose her sheep. These range ewes first wouldn't move and then would bolt in four different Directions. Not her cup of tea.

On this first day she gripped off on the fetch both in the Open and the Pro Novice. She has developed a really outrun problem. I had to whistle her around many times. Very odd as her outrun has always been her best and most favorite thing. I am not happy as the finals is quickly approaching.

Day two was a little better in Pro Novice placed 4th. In Open I retired after The battle around the course became too much.

Rob came along just to hang out. He was the happiest just hanging out on the sidelines watching.

The puppies made some new friends. The Shaunavon mascot came to say "hi". In case you are trying to guess it is a heart.

Pat and Stormy have a new bundle of joy in the form of a token little dog. Introuducing "Miss Molly Winters".

Now for some beauty rest till the next trial. Some of us need more beauty rest than others.

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